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solution overview  

Spansafe helps you preserve digital documents and files. Access files anywhere, anytime and through any browser. Share large, confidential and collaborative files. Secure files in encrypted, controlled access and monitored environments.


Spansafe continually makes identical copies of your files. The files are stored on replicated machines in three data centers located in three separate geographic locations. This offers maximum protection against fire, flooding and other disasters. Laptop and mobile device users can store files in their "safe" to limit effects of theft, loss or damage. Versioning features built into the software reduce potential for accidental file manipulation or deletion.


Spansafe's redundant high speed data centers provide reliable, 24/7/365 access via the internet. Our software gives administrators controls to create organized, role-based accessibility structures.


Spansafe is ideal for developing a universally utilized and accessible system for sharing company information. Bypass large file limitations of email, collaborate on projects, support virtual meetings and give clients private access to custom information.


Spansafe's hardware and software is fully encrypted. All sites are password protected. Data centers have multilayered security with monitored access. Users are authenticated and identified as unique. Once deleted, files cannot be reused or recovered after 24 hours. Administrators can audit all security events and actions of users. Data at all three locations is periodically compared to insure readability over a long period of time.

reduce overhead  
  • Distribution Costs: Circumvent file size restrictions of e-mail to cut costs of delivering contracts, proposals, large files and deadline sensitive materials.
  • Copying & Printing Costs: Create an accessible paperless library to reduce time and material costs relating to reproduction.
  • Storage Costs: Eliminate expensive storage furniture and reallocate valuable office space. Eliminate paper indexing documents used to find stored paper items.
  • Training Costs: Intuitive software is optimally designed for efficient implementation and quick new user learning. Increase accessibility to educational library and assistance from remote managers.
  • Travel Expenses: Share and collaborate to reduce the amount of face-to-face time needed to conduct business.
  • Technology Costs: Eliminate the cost of developing an in-house system. Share data center access and hosting costs. Minimize hardware ownership requirements.
  • Data Loss: Prevent expenses caused by faulty equipment, human error theft and employee turnover.
  • Job Change Costs: Simplify inventory and reassignment costs when employees change job functions. New employees share existing documents as appropriate.


  • Cash Flow: Avoid purchasing expensive hardware and signing leases for data center or storage space. Transfer capital expenditures associated with critical storage to operational expenditures.
  • Client Satisfaction: Keep an always accessible client file with custom information. Give necessary employees and client private access. Design processes to reduce the workload of customer service departments while improving overall satisfaction.
  • Collaboration: Coordinate various elements of multiple employee projects. Versioning safeguards against accidental file manipulation. Easy audit function allows for tracking and managing involvement. Search function and descriptive naming options allow users to find relevant files.
  • Document Survivability: Documents stored in Spansafe's diverse location, multiple redundancy system are far more likely to survive than paper files, single location backups, cds, dvds or detachable drives.
  • Document Management: Create a customized structure and naming convention for storage of documents that fits your business. Spansafe provides much more than a simple file server to dump a copy of your files.


  • Operations: Simplify and standardize processes for storing, sharing and retrieving files. Increase efficiency over paper systems or those relying on mail, email, phone calls or portable media. Automate aspects of employee training, personnel management and customer service.
  • Human Resources: Create a library for common company forms, benefit explanations, directories and interactive feedback forms.
  • Management: Distribute training videos and manuals. Develop interactive systems for tracking expenses, inputting timesheets and activity reporting.
  • Sales Process: Conduct virtual meetings with prospects to minimize travel. Give prospect access to custom proposals, contracts and invoices. Eliminate back and forth delays in modification and approval processes.

additional software features

  • Intuitive: Easy to learn software means low training costs and positive end user experiences. The efficient color-coded folder system is as easy to administer as a file cabinet.
  • Flexible: Up to seven layers of subfolders lets administrators design as much sophistication as desired. Bulk file uploading tools reduce manual upload times. "Safes" are accessible through any browser. All file formats can be saved.
  • Organized: Role-based access allows administrators to control which employees and clients have access to which files and documents.

custom extras

  • Digital Signatures: Keys can be created and distributed and systems can be modified to accommodate this authentication standard.
  • Portal Feature: Store common company forms for human resources or compliance documents for Sarbanes-Oxley needs. Give your entire company access via company email and password. This is set up separately from other users and provides "read-only" access.
  • Large Uploads: Secure drives can be furnished, and secure pickup/delivery can be arranged for clients with extremely large upload requirements.
  • Hard Copy Service: Hard copies of the data in your "safe" can be created and delivered as requested. Typically, the data is transferred to you on Blu-Ray DVDs.
  • Military Security & Customization: Your safe can be customized to include necessary additional security features. "Safes" can be modified and additional features added on a custom basis.

options & pricing

  • Spansafe - Hosted:
    • No Hardware Costs: Client purchases no hardware as the entire system is operated on Spansafe's three location, redundant access system.
    • No IT Staff Requirements: All equipment is managed by Spansafe engineers and eliminates burden on client's IT staff.
    • Maximum Security: All equipment and information is housed in secure, monitored data centers, reducing threats associated with local equipment.
    • No Hassle: No worries or headaches with trying to install and manage local servers. No equipment upkeep or upgrading required from client.
    • Pricing: Evaluate Now
  • Spansafe - Onsite:
    • Fastest Upload: Reduce employee upload times caused by office upload bandwidth allocations.
    • Internet Independency: Have local access to your "safe" to minimize reliance on internet connectivity.
    • Local "Safe": Keep one copy of all files at your location.
    • Minimal Technology Expertise Required: Equipment is delivered ready to be plugged in and requires only minimal set-up. Instructions and remote support make process painless and easy enough for non-IT staffers to handle.
    • Pricing: Evaluate Now